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Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Updates on the Future of Paralysis Shriek

Well it's been a long minute, hasn't it? You're probably thinking I've forgotten all about this blog. But that couldn't be further from the truth.

When I started this little endeavor six years ago (has it been that long already?!) I started it with one thing in mind: To review mostly obscure horror movies. That was going to be my niche. I've always had a fascination with the movies that slipped under most people's radars, so it seemed to be a natural fit. But alas, times change. And they changed quick: Within the second year, I was also reviewing lame Hallmark movies, Lifetime thrillers, and episodes of short-lived television series'.

And those kinds of reviews have always negated the "Paralysis Shriek" moniker. I'll be honest: The only reason I chose that name is because I liked it, and didn't have any other use for it. It was originally a movie idea, but one I had no interest in writing. So I slapped it on this blog so that it wouldn't go to waste (and as kind of a copyright in case someone else "stole" it in the meantime). But it didn't take long to realize that "Paralysis Shriek calls 'Winter in the Heartland 'a perfect family rom-com for the ages," just didn't really mesh well together. (I would never say that about a movie with that name, but you get my point.)

So...moral of the story is that I will be moving this blog over to Wordpress next year. It will come with a new, as-of-yet undecided title that will better encompass the broad variety of movies I review. The blog will also broaden its focus to include video games, and other forms of media related to the horror genre (and, on occasion, other genres). Unfortunately, it will probably always remain a low-priority project, with other blogs, hobbies and family commitments coming first, but what can I say? Reviewing things has always been in my DNA.

The first batch of "other media" reviews should be coming later this month, covering some games on a video gaming platform that can be an underrated haven for horror. I'm sure some cheesy holiday romances will eventually follow.

I'll keep you all updated as the change to Wordpress slowly happens. In the meantime, I wish you all well, and thank you for stopping by my little corner of the internet.

Yours Truly,


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